Thursday, March 27, 2014

"After The Storm" painting by Sandra B. Rast.
This new painting shows the beauty of the Salt Lake Temple with close attention given to the glorious doors of this sacred house.  Many brides have stood at that very spot on their special day.  The Temple is a wonderful treasure and a blessing in our lives.  It stands resolute and firm, a pillar to help us stand strong after the many storms in our lives.  I hope you will enjoy the image.  The original painting is currently on display at Deseret Book Flagship store in downtown Salt Lake City.

Friday, March 14, 2014

August 1867 - Chief Tabby a Ute Indian Chief, met with Joseph Stacy Murdock to negotiate peace.  Bishop Murdock had been called by President Brigham Young to preside over and care for the Latter-Day Saints in the area by serving as Bishop and a political leader.  Thanks to the efforts of both men, this was a lasting treaty which would put an end to the hostilities with local settlers in the Heber City area and the Ute Indians. This event also helped put an end to the Black Hawk War.  
"A Matter Of Trust" an original painting by Sandra Rast